Private Investigator in Corpus Christi, Texas

         T.A.L.I. Member

Texas Association Of Licensed


    Corpus Christi, Texas

Private I Investigations                         (361) 816-6840

rivate I Investigations (361) 816-6840

    "Private Eye"

4833 Saratoga Blvd. #707 Corpus Christi, Texas 78413

          Why hire us ? 

While working as a Homicide

Investigator I cleared 100% of all

homicide cases assigned to me.

"I will bring that same commitment

and passion to each and every case."

So, if you are looking to hire a Private Investigator in Corpus Christi-Look no further.


Private I Investigations is owned and operated by Roy Gardner. I have lived in Corpus Christ my entire life. I retired after 33 years with the Corpus Christi Police Department. During my career I worked and supervised the Homicide/Robbery Division. I cleared every Homicide case ever assigned to me. I cleared many cold cases and worked many Burglary and Thefts cases also.

I have a Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice and also served as Police Chief in two different departments. I served two years in the United States Army, stationed in Europe as a Military Police Officer.

I have held a Private Investigator's license in the State of Texas since my retirement in 2009. I am still commissioned as a licensed police officer with the State of Texas. 

My company is licensed by the Texas Department Of Public Safety, Lic.# A-18909. We are also a member of Texas Association Of Licensed Investigators, (TALI).

My Staff has over 100 years of experience as investigators. Most are retired police officer.They are professional, experienced and willing to do the work necessary to get the results that you deserve.                                                    

If you have unanswered questions about a loved one or family member, we can help. You will not find a more experienced, hard working and determined investigator in Corpus Christi.