Authored/ Published

​     Private Investigator Guide-2018

Private I Investigations Special Investigators

 Owner of Private I Investigations:

Retired Corpus Christi Police Officer: (33yrs.)

    * Worked Patrol, Homicide/Robbery.

     * Supervised Homicide/Robbery Div.

     * Supervised Theft Division.

     * Co-coordinated "Weed and Seed" Program

     * Supervised-P.A. L. and D.A.R.E. programs.

     * First Fitness Instructor for CCPD-5 yrs.

    ** Ex-Police Chief:

         1. Taft, Texas Police Dept.

         2. Driscoll, Texas Police Dept.     

     * Military Police Officer in Army.

     * Licensed Personal Trainer with ISSA.

     * Licensed Private Investigator, Texas.

     * Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice.

     * Active Peace Officer Lic. with TCLOSE


1. Texas Association Of Licensed Investigators.

2. Texas Police Chiefs Association.

Roy Gardner Jr.

         Licensed  Private  Investigator

Ass. Criminal Justice  


**Austin, Tx  Office**

                 Roy Gardner

 Hugo Stimmler

"100 years of experience"

Appointment Only


Lic. # A-18909
Private Investigator in Corpus Christi, Texas

​​__Drone Operator-FAA Licensed__

 Retired Corpus Christi Police Homicide Investigator with 29 years experience.

** Currently working as an Investigator with the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office. Chief Investigator

* Bachelor Degree in Sociology.

* Licensed Private Investigator with the State Of Texas.

* 6 years as a Parole/Probation Officer in the state of Ohio.

        Professional Memberships:

   1. American Board of Medicolegal  Death Investigators.

   2. Volunteer Service at Driscoll Children Hospital.

   3. Ex-Peer Counselor with Corpus Christi Police Department.

   4. Former board member of Nueces County Women's Shelter.


   Josie Clary

** Licensed  Private 


* 9 Years Experience.

 *  Office Manager

 * Survillance Expert

  * Social Media


   1.Lummi Nation