* Background Checks
* Installing Cameras
* Monitor trashcans and dumpsters
* Reward system for reporting thefts
* Suspicious phone calls
* Suspicious phone numbers
* Change in appearance
* Password protecting devices
* Gut feeling
* Change in sex life
* Change in work schedule
* Picking fights to leave
We have one of the best GPS trackers on the market. We can track personal vehicles as well as company fleets, anywhere in the United States.
Private I Investigations (361) 816-6840
It is our experience that these types of problems are not going to get better by doing nothing. I realize that it is a big investment, but you must decide how important it is to you or your company.
My advice to anyone looking to hire a private Investigator is to consider the following factors first :
1. How experienced and professional is the Investigator- go to the website.
2. Don't make your decision based on cost but quality- " you get what you pay for".
3. Hire someone local rather than out of town- they have better contacts and knowledge of the city.
4. Make sure the Investigator is licensed by the state of Texas-Department of Public Safety.
I hope that this information will assist you in choosing the right Investigator and we look forward to hearing from you should you decide to use us.
Thank You-Roy Gardner